At KBM we are dedicated to manufacturing high quality machines with a short ROI.
Our 45 years of experience in the industry of expanded materials makes us capable of advising all customers to the best solutions. We want your business to run smooth, why we always deliver fast service on spare parts and requests.
KBM is specialized in manufacturing machinery for the EPS, EPP, NEOPOR, and EPE industry. Materials known as Styrofoam, Styropor ®, Foam polystyrene, Airpop, etc.
For the moulding industry of EPS and similar materials, KBM offers four series of recycling equipment. Whether you are a small shape moulder or large block moulder, we have a recycling system which helps you re-use your material back into your production. By re-using, you replace new raw material and your economical benefit from this way of recycling is so much higher than extruding it to plastic. The output is individual beads broken down from packaging or insulation. The individual beads will be completely cleaned of dust which means a smooth production afterwards - without any problems!